Sunday, November 18, 2007

It is Snowing....

HOW can one be happy?!


kalipay said...

thou askest the wrong person, sister dear, and at a wrong time. one can be happy if one was wanting snow before one leaves to go to a snowless country for a time in which there is normally snow in the with-snow country for the first time. one can also be happy if one has the extremely fun privilege of watching firefighters in action (in training, so it wasn't so scary) with fire in the house and smoke out the roof and people all over, bright lights... and finally after two hours of being in the constant dripping rain it starts to (gasp, applause) SNOW!!! it made the whole scene rather pretty, and all of us less wet, though all most definitely more cold...

i'm rather pleased we've had the first snow.

Leluwa said...

I so much agree, darling!
Snow depresses me. My mood is so dark when the sun is gone or outside is wet with water, liquid or solid... unless it's liquid water in Niger. :(