Thursday, July 02, 2009

Gentleman in a Rebel (Part 2)

This was not originally intended to be a two-part, but now it is....

So...I was walking into Rutters to get a refill on my drink. As I got within 5 feet of the doors I see a young man about to (or at least he gave all appearance of walking towards the the doors) exit. Instead of reaching to door, and opening it to leave, he halted momentarily, and began perusing a shelf of cookies.

I reached the door, opened it, and as I was crossing the threshold, he suddenly lost interest in the toothsome display and exited before the door shut.

It suddenly struck me: He stopped and appeared occupied so as not to have to open the door for me. It was most shocking and intriguing. It was very politically correct and it was perfectly unintentional-looking. I decided to blog about it.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GAH. that's rude. guys are so fail occasionally. they should all take lessons from either my grandad or michael... they = two of the most polite men i can think of off the top of my head.