Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Some poeple still chew and spit tabacco!!

Also, I found out that thorn trees (at least 2" in diameter, 7 ft. tall w/ "flowers" on top) will make short work out of a very nice looking skirt.


Unknown said...

yes, nearly everyone I worked with this last summmer did!

Warbler said...

What? Tear thier skirts with weeds?
(yes, I'm being facetious)

kalipay said...

oh my goodness. just cracking up thinking of Jon's hispanic coworkers in bonnets, sitting in piles of sod, mending their torn skirts... RAOTFL!!!!

J. K. Walters said...

Almost all of my co-workers did also. I personally don't like the taste of chewing tobacco (it is also very expensive), and besides, chewing is a very unladylike pursuit, so I don't recommend it.

Warbler said...

Wow, Mr. Walters, I commend you for trying so hard to be ladylike!!

J. K. Walters said...

The unladylikeness of chewing tobacco was meant to be a factor to discourage you from the practise. I don't chew because when I tried some chewing tobacco when offered some, I found it to be of a rather unpleasant savour (and besides it is an expensive habit).

Unknown said...

there are additional reasons against it

Warbler said...

(lol...haha, Jo?) My comment was as facetious as the one to Jon.

I can assure you both that I have no plan of every trying or going near ANY tabacco...*hem-hem*

J. K. Walters said...

That's fine and dandy; you just do that.