Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Yeah, yeah..... I've been busy. I have not posted for an entire month. However, I cannot really feel sorry. It's not that I have nothing to say (those of you who know me can laugh up your sleeve), but that I have not had the time/been able to sit down on the computer and type it out.

NC '08 was simply "a most wonderful thing". I cannot quite call it the "best week of my life", but it beat the TP State Class, and blew a couple other things right out of the water....and that is saying a lot.

While I was there, I not only met a couple hundred people, but I found something more fulfilling than a lot of things I've been into. I applied to staff the PA class in the 2009 season, and I will tell you when I hear anything further about that. I ran for office, on the spur of the moment, had 30 second to talk to everyone in the room and convince them how wonderful I was (to tell the truth, I couldn't see a thing, I was rather shaky in my knees, and (how awful is this!) I have no idea what I said! I asked someone later, and their synopsis (they weren't quite sure either what exactly I had said) was nothing at all that I had intended, and a lot that simply shocked me), I cried my eyes out in a prayer time with about 20 people....which turned into an in-depth sharing time between 6 of us girls, and I actually woke up around 7 am for 6 consecutive days.....*about dies*.

But, most importantly, I do believe that I experienced something I never had before. I believe that God "spoke to me". I put it in quotes, because I do not agree with the mindset or method. I cannot be exactly sure what made me understand, and I do not remember what was being prayed. Anyhow, Sunday night, Mr. Dean Nelson (who guest directed our State class) was giving a talk, and he invited some of us to come up and pray. About 6 guys stood up, and prayed about America and reaching this Generation, and impacting it for the future. A weight settled on my heart and I (dare I say) felt God speaking. There were no words...I just "knew" that it was Him, and I heard with perfect clarity what I could not hear through auditory means. I burst into tears, shocking my girl-friend beside me, and I cried for some time.

I am not sure what kind of weird comments I'll get...but I can understand your reactions. I tested myself, and found it hard to accept. I have as yet not shared this elsewhere, or to anyone. I have almost spoken of it to some special few, but it won't come out. Maybe that is why I am writing it...why I want to tell of it, but cannot vocalize. Maybe this is why I have not posted. Because I wanted to share this but couldn't find the words....

*********see also my follow up post a year and 5 months later

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