Friday, February 02, 2007


What was Augustine's first name?


kalipay said...

i know i know, pick me pick me. it was "ST". :D

i'll go read your book when i get in this morning at 7 AM and find the answer. *evil smiley* :p

Unknown said...


Warbler said...

Ar't being serious with me Mr. Walters?

Unknown said...

tis true.

which Augistinius are you refering to though? perhaps you mean Patricius Augstinius?

Warbler said...

Mr.____ Augustine the Bishop of Hippo.

OR, is it Mr. Augustine ______ Bishop of Hippo!??

No, THAT is the quetion!

J. K. Walters said...

It is Aurelius Agustine (Bishop of Hippo).

Unknown said...

I think not Jo, I think it is "Aurelius Augustine (Bishop of Hippo")

Warbler said...
