Monday, October 01, 2007


Saturday night I recieved a proposal of marraige. This dashing young man not only bent on one knee to ask for my hand, but he gave me a bright red rose, and quoted Romeo and Juliet lines about me.

I was so charmed, that a refusal would not come out....I accepted, and we marched to the front of a church, in front of an adoring audience, and (quote) "...on that day she became Mrs. J___ N_____"

My wedding boquet was a lovely white. I wished to invite a couple of you dear readers, but we needed to hurry. Of course, I had to explain to my family, and...of father....but I have high hopes that this sudden, suprise engagement and wedding will turn out for good.

Mrs. N_____


kalipay said...

am i not a 'dear reader'? and was i not there for the whole thing? i gave my hearty consent, dear writer! it was very charming to be sure. tis good to see you so happy. :)

Leluwa said...

Oh brrrrother... :)
okay, okay, congrats, congrats, and all the best to you. May you have fifteen children!!!!

(There, now who says I'm not being nice?)

Anonymous said...

Ah-- congratulations!!!

Warbler said...

lol...Madame can give congratulations and get revenge in the same sentence.

Kalipay, yes, you are a dear reader. However you were not in my 'wedding party'.

Susanna....I'll explain on Th.!